Friday, August 31, 2007


GenderGappers 2007 – 036


There is a prevailing myth that tells a boy that he should not hit a girl and that warning ostensibly continues into adulthood. The problem is that with most myths, the whole implication is not exposed. The myth should add the important words, “in public”.

So behind closed doors, out of sight and with little compunction, men regularly beat up on women with little or no public knowledge or censure unless his unloving touch sends her to a hospital or the morgue.

Interestingly this myth has been advanced recently as the reason the wives of Hillary Clinton’s presidential primary opponents joined in the fray with their separate attacks.

Elizabeth Edwards, always admirable, took the course of directness. She contended that her husband would do more for women than Hillary would. She was up front and named names.

On the other hand, Michelle Obama took a rather sneaky, indirect approach and pretended that she was not talking about Hillary at all. She declared that anyone who could not keep their own house in order would not keep the White House in order.

Of course, the Obama campaign quickly said that she was only talking of how her husband kept his own house in order. But as the campaign that approved her remarks knew, her words would be taken up by the media and reverberate for many news cycles as an attack against Hillary. Also, it provided just one more opportunity for media exposure for Barack to deny what was obvious.

Then there is Hillary-basher-in-chief, Arianna Huffington who apparently started her blog for the sole purpose of tearing down and ripping apart every thing about Hillary that she can. The site is so heavily moderated that it seldom will print a reply post that disagrees.

Meanwhile John and Barack are presenting themselves as pure and prescient, claiming to be Washington outsiders uncontaminated with corporate funding. Their claims do not all hold water as investigation has shown that they get corporate monies indirectly or laundered.

If there’s mud to sling, the wives and honorary wife, Arianna, step forward in the time tested belief that it’s OK for a woman to beat up another woman in public. But mainly, the boys are sticking to the issues and following Hillary’s lead to attack the real problem for America – George Bush. But we all know they are doing plenty of beating up of Hillary using surrogates behind closed doors.

Recently, a great cartoon vividly reflected our country’s attitude. It showed a dog with numerous scars, welts and a broken paw sitting on a bench with a woman with numerous scars, welts and a broken arm.



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Friday, August 24, 2007


GenderGappers 2007 – 035


In political debates there are always attacks by the other candidates on the leader of the pack, trying to bring themselves up and/or knock the leader down. But the ABC debate was unique since the attack was enjoined not only by the other seven candidates but also by the moderator.

Any of us who remember Georgie Stephonopoulis’ perfidy when he left a trusted position with President Bill Clinton’s administration knew Senator Clinton was in for some nastiness during the recent ABC debate.

For those who do not remember, Georgie left the W.H. near the end of Bill’s term, and went heart and soul into the Conservative media. He damned the Clintons and everyone else at the White House, spilling secretes and telling lies that even Georgie Bush would envy.

Geogie had parlayed his vile gossip into spots on news panels and then as anchor on ABC, but he had taken a lot of heat for his dishonesty over the years and was poised ready to get the panel to slap down Hillary for his enjoyment and to help his candidate, Barack.

So he set up multifaceted accusatory questions to Senator Clinton in a manner that he was sure would result in a gang bang hoping that one after another of the other candidates would pile on.

Barack had his usual Johnny-one-note answer to his lack of experience by claiming he had demonstrated judgment where the other Senators had not. But what he, and his polite opponents never say is that Barack was never forced to make his decision with the additional information given to the others in the crucible of the Republican controlled Senate.

We did not want Bush to go into Iraq either but do not think that demonstration of our judgment makes us competent to be president.

It would be more impressive if he could or would recount any other instance of good judgment. “Over the two years Obama has been in the Senate, the only Iraq-related vote on which they differed was the confirmation earlier this year of General George Casey to be Chief of Staff of the Army, which Obama voted for and Clinton voted against.”

Barack recounted Rove’s litany of Clinton negatives, but he labored alone on this track. Too bad for Georgie – the grownups on the panel wouldn’t play his game. Their responses were moderate and thoughtful. A couple even admitted they had made similar mistakes.

At one point, following repeated goading by Georgie, Biden retorted, “I know what you’re doing, you are trying to start a fight.” Please moderators take note. Moderate fairly and leave your prejudices and disapprovals at the door.
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Friday, August 17, 2007


The extemporaneous Obama can be confusing sometimes, as noted by Keith Olbermann and guest, Jon Alter. Both revealed they had noted his verbal confusion and declared in some instances that they had no idea what Barack said.

However, Obama’s prepared statements are clear enough as are his suggestions that Senator Hillary Clinton was Bush/Cheney Lite. We understood perfectly when he said he would supplant Bush as “The Uniter”; also, he came through clear as a bell with his sword rattling regarding Pakistan, all of which caused commentators to call him Bush/Cheney Heavy - a return of cowboy diplomacy, this time with blazing saddles.

What a waste of energy and what a gift to the media and Republicans this bickering about the Iraq war is; the rank and file is getting tired of it. One caller to Air America Radio laid it out succinctly. BUSH IS TO BLAME FOR THE WAR – BLAME HIM!

Just put yourself back to post 9/11 and imagine that you are a U.S. Senator or Representative presented with this bill. The whole country is frightened and the Bushies and their poodle media are adding to the fear every minute.

You get special briefings from Bush’s intelligence and cabinet. You heard about “the smoking gun not being a mushroom cloud. The information you have to go on comes from Bush/Cheney. NOW you know they cherry picked the intelligence on Iraq – but you didn’t know that then. You believed that the UN inspection would be honored by Bush instead of ignored.

All you knew was that most of the country believed that Bush was protecting them. The media constantly backed up the Bush/Cheney war drums and told you and your constituents over and over that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions and the ability and intent to send these to attack America.

Today you know you and the country were lied to over and over. Now you know that UN inspectors were allowed into Iraq. Now you know that there never were any WMD and the lies and deceptions went on and on. And NOW your constituents know it too.

But you were not a United States Senator or Representative post 9/11 and you have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight so use it to remember how things were back then like a thinking adult should.

So enough already with this bickering, fueled by a media that is dedicated to stirring up animosity between Democrats! Just listen to Chris Matthews or any of the other so-called informed political commentators – they just love to rev up any kind of difference among the Dem candidates. They hype it and mischaracterize it so why play into their hands?

Now old Karl Rove is free of the restrictions and legal problems of the W.H. and primed ready to wreak havoc on Democrats. He knows that
Hillary is the one candidate that can beat any Republican so he will inflame the Dem fears and prejudices as he has done so successfully before. He’ll be working full time for the woman haters.

He’s controlled these Dems for a long time by tuning in to, and feeding their passion for hate. We can defeat Rove by putting the blame for the Iraq war and all the problems in Arabia onto Bush where it belongs instead of flailing each other with it.

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Friday, August 10, 2007


GenderGappers 2007 – 033


Time was that the primo bloggers were knights in shinning armor, blogging tirelessly in their bathrobes. They fearlessly exposed the crimes of the Bush administration that the main stream media ignored.

Their efforts made it possible for anyone with a computer to access just what was going on in the world. The day of the White House gaggle as the source of all that was truth and light had passed. The American electorate could be hoodwinked no longer.

After things got so bad in Iraq that people vociferously complained to Bush, the traditional media could ignore it no longer. They were severely upstaged and shown up. To get back into the game they actually started quoting these outlaw bloggers in their articles.

Mostly because since the hush hush war stuff was out, they were off the hook with the people who paid their salary – the huge corporations that had formerly controlled all the news that “was fit for us peons to know”.

Now the Blogs have attained notoriety and along with it POWER and many of them are relishing it like pigs in slop. This was demonstrated recently at the Yearly Kos Convention.

Some seem they find the misuse of power is evil and are against it when others have it but when they have it then it is democracy. All their preaching and vilifying went the way of the dodo bird as they imitated the very main stream media they formerly castigated. They chose sides rather than remaining neutral and presenting all points of view evenly.

Just like the street gangs, they initiated a show of colors by the use of wrist bands. Visitors were told to choose “the candidate’s forum they wanted to attend. “ Then later it was reported that one candidate’s colors were taken at a higher rate than the others and the results were reported as a poll.

This was highly disturbing to those who were just curious about a candidate but were not indicating their voting preference.

Overall there were many there who gave silent and respectful attention to all of the candidates regardless of their personal preference and this was a source of pride and hope in this newest generation of political comentators.

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Friday, August 03, 2007


GenderGappers 2007 – 032


The Repugs are all Jonny-one-noteing their propaganda talking points and the dumbass Dems among us are parroting their spin: “Yassar! Whatever you say, sar!” They have been so conditioned to believe whatever Repugs say that they do it despite the harm it does to them.

They are among the first to criticize the Dem Majority in Congress for running scared yet they do the same thing when confronted with the need for independent thought.

Currently, the one note Repugs sing is that they can win in ’08 because the Dems will nominate Senator Clinton. Hillary, they say, will bring out their base while the Dem base will wring its collective hands, blubbering like a two-year-old.

We heard several different Repug spokes-people, obviously reading from the same scrip, declare that the Repugs could keep the White House in the up coming election. They all made the same three points in the same order:
· By election time, drawdown of the troops in Iraq would be a reality so the Dems would lose their main issue.
· Also, Repugs would have solidified support around one candidate and WE all speak with one voice.
· The Dems would nominate Hillary who is unelectable and we could always count on disgruntled Dems to weep and wail and vote for a third party instead of their Party’s nominee.

Then they would follow up with their usual Hillary critique ranging from her choice of clothing to her “baggage” from the Clinton administration. They would claim that she is so hated that voters would be polarized and Repugs would win over the country.

The mere fact that they are allowed, by the various media talk shows, to continually repeat the false charges of the Whitewater era shows how desperately they fear and need to defeat Hillary, and no wonder:
· Hillary has won over many Independent voters who are seeing her for the first time as she is, not as the Bush media has painted her and they are impressed with her knowledge, her level headed good sense and her ability to communicate.
· They fear that minorities will see how greatly her experience dwarfs that of any of the other leading candidates.
· Their own internal polling has shown that many Repug women support her, and intend to vote for her in the secrecy of the polling booth. It seems these women are eager to give the middle finger salute to the males who have denigrated and devaluated them over the years.

Even so, the Repugs and the media are conflicted. They very much do not want Richardson or Obama to win the primary because just about anything they use against them could be and would be construed as racist. So they are hoping that Edwards or another white guy will win – they’ve had experience with mud slinging them.
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