It’s taken long enough but now some things are finally making sense to us. Not much, to be sure, but just enough to stay clear of the funny farm.
What confused us was hearing that we were in a never ending war against terror. Well, OK, that does make a modicum of sense, but it’s all that came after that made our brain itch.
Like, for instance, “stay the course” when no course/plan is given; or “win the war” when it’s never ending; or flag must be honored but waging an unprovoked war against another country is acceptable.
And why, we wondered, was it OK for Kid Rock to throw the flag around in the same ballgame that the horror of that wardrobe malfunction occurred? Or was it not desecration when Bush signed his name on some flags?
We constantly hear how badly things are going in Iraq and how it resembles Mogadishu as our troops are mutilated and we find ourselves in civil war where both sides are shooting at us.
But that means we are fighting there so we don’t have to fight here. Which would be just great but then we are told that we are constantly fighting terrorist here.
Then there’s the Constitution which used to be the basis of our government but now can be ignored in order to fight them over there and here by ignoring privacy safeguards built in to protect us.
Newspapers now must print what the government decrees and must not print anything the government banns. If they do, they are considered to be traitors and criminals who are hurting our war against terror.
And why, we puzzled, was it OK for the White House to out a CIA agent for revenge while the printing of a factual article on White House perfidy is called treason?
As if that weren’t enough, Bush claims our soldiers must stay in Iraq until we have won. Anyone or any group who disagrees is accused of being a coward for advocating “cut and run”.
He also says that drawdown of troops will be on the advice of his generals in the field. Since victory or winning is never defined, it is difficult to understand why now the drawdown is slated to start in September.
By coincidence, of course, that would be just before the November elections. And even more coincidental, polls show the majority of voters favor us cutting or running on the basis of “he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day”.
It was all too difficult to figure out until we realized that simple signing statements can reverse or change the intent of laws made by Congress. And that the Constitution can be circumvented by the Justice Department.
So up is down and down is wherever Bush wants it to be. So now we understand that we have fallen down a rabbit hole where Bush is the Mad Hatter and Karl Rove is the cross-dressing Queen of Hearts.
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Friday, June 30, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
In the interest of full disclosure, we’ll say right up front that we do not like Meet the Press’, Tim Russert. This is because he is just one more jerk pimping for the White House.
That said, we liked him even less after hearing several interviews he had with talking heads where he glorified men as father/mother and his hosts drooled all over themselves agreeing with him.
Here’s the jist of the adulation that issued forth: Russert raved mightily about how his father raised him and his siblings all by himself. “He was both mother and father to us.”
He continued on with a tone usually reserved for the reporting of a miracle or a super hero’s antics. He reverently declared that his father took care of all the family’s needs, kept the house, and cooked the meals all the while never missing a day of work.
His interviewers fawned all over him; agreeing that his daddy was certainly superhuman, a prince among men, one in a billion and worthy of great praise for his family endeavors. Watta guy!
Now, let’s see – Tim’s daddy took care of the house and the kids besides having a full time job. Where’s the miracle? Women have been doing that for eons and have never been considered worthy of sainthood or superhuman. And their jobs demanded longer hours with much less pay than a man would get.
It was expected of them, but wait there’s more. The reason why women aren’t given the adulation and credit that men get is simple, we were told. Men just do everything better because they are superior beings – this is the myth religions created and support.
Children who are brought up by a father are lucky simply because men can fill the mother’s role; but even the best woman cannot fill the father’s role. That takes a man - a superior being. There it is folks, the continued basis for the inequality of the genders. As long as this persists equal rights for women will not manifest despite any law or politically professed attitude. Religions expressly prohibit it.
This blind and ignorant adherence to religious myth by many in this country was stunningly demonstrated recently in the following interview with Congressman Westmoreland on the Colbert Report.
Congressman Westmoreland co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments in schools and other public places. Following is a part of the interview:
Colbert: You have not introduced a single piece of legislation since you entered Congress.
Westmoreland: That's correct.
Colbert: This has been called a do nothing Congress. Is it safe to say you're the do nothingest?
Westmoreland: I, I, ..Well there's one other do nothiner. I don't know who that is, but they're a Democrat.
Colbert: What can we get rid of to balance the budget?
Westmoreland: The Dept. of Education.
Colbert: What are the Ten Commandments?
Westmoreland: You mean all of them?--Um... Don't murder. Don't lie. Don't steal Um... I can't name them all.
The fact is that true superwomen and supermen are those who have cast away the biblical ordained gender discrimination and other shibboleths that prevent humanity’s growth.
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That said, we liked him even less after hearing several interviews he had with talking heads where he glorified men as father/mother and his hosts drooled all over themselves agreeing with him.
Here’s the jist of the adulation that issued forth: Russert raved mightily about how his father raised him and his siblings all by himself. “He was both mother and father to us.”
He continued on with a tone usually reserved for the reporting of a miracle or a super hero’s antics. He reverently declared that his father took care of all the family’s needs, kept the house, and cooked the meals all the while never missing a day of work.
His interviewers fawned all over him; agreeing that his daddy was certainly superhuman, a prince among men, one in a billion and worthy of great praise for his family endeavors. Watta guy!
Now, let’s see – Tim’s daddy took care of the house and the kids besides having a full time job. Where’s the miracle? Women have been doing that for eons and have never been considered worthy of sainthood or superhuman. And their jobs demanded longer hours with much less pay than a man would get.
It was expected of them, but wait there’s more. The reason why women aren’t given the adulation and credit that men get is simple, we were told. Men just do everything better because they are superior beings – this is the myth religions created and support.
Children who are brought up by a father are lucky simply because men can fill the mother’s role; but even the best woman cannot fill the father’s role. That takes a man - a superior being. There it is folks, the continued basis for the inequality of the genders. As long as this persists equal rights for women will not manifest despite any law or politically professed attitude. Religions expressly prohibit it.
This blind and ignorant adherence to religious myth by many in this country was stunningly demonstrated recently in the following interview with Congressman Westmoreland on the Colbert Report.
Congressman Westmoreland co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments in schools and other public places. Following is a part of the interview:
Colbert: You have not introduced a single piece of legislation since you entered Congress.
Westmoreland: That's correct.
Colbert: This has been called a do nothing Congress. Is it safe to say you're the do nothingest?
Westmoreland: I, I, ..Well there's one other do nothiner. I don't know who that is, but they're a Democrat.
Colbert: What can we get rid of to balance the budget?
Westmoreland: The Dept. of Education.
Colbert: What are the Ten Commandments?
Westmoreland: You mean all of them?--Um... Don't murder. Don't lie. Don't steal Um... I can't name them all.
The fact is that true superwomen and supermen are those who have cast away the biblical ordained gender discrimination and other shibboleths that prevent humanity’s growth.
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Robert Redford has been widely interviewed lately on the environment. He stresses the immediate need, and urges that all concerned with the future of our planet should “just tell the truth.”
He states that people are eager to hear the truth because they have been lied to for so long. It makes sense in other areas besides the environment; Democratic leaders and the media should get on the ball and challenge the lies hurled at us all the time.
What we can never figure out is when the government officials are telling the truth. Now it’s even worse since the Supremes made it nearly illegal for whistle blowers to protect us with their conscience.
Media talking heads just do not challenge the people they interview. The truth is a victim of Bush politics and the media is supposed to be protecting it instead of suborning it.
This week we have been pummeled with graphic evidence of how our armed forces were able to capture one al-Qaeda leader in Iraq. Dead or alive came true with dead being the operative word.
Collateral damage happens and others suffered when two bombs took out this dreaded killed guy, al-Zarqawi. Thereafter, truth changed from minute to minute.
He lived through the bombings and tried to get away. He was tortured by Americans. Americans game him first aid. We were given the facts of the autopsy and minute by minute poop on what an important kill this was.
Bush made a hasty visit to his conquered country, Iraq, to strut the strut and dribble the presidential “looking into his eye” to his Iraqi lackeys. He made it clear – “together forward!” [I am the man! You are the sheep.]
Just in case anyone didn’t get it, he followed that with a speech to his American lackeys. In all the pomp and circumstances of the past week only one thing was certain, TRUTH WAS STILL MISSING IN ACTION, PRESUMED DEAD.
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."
Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."
"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock.
The hands have moved twenty times, telling us that Abe told only twenty lies in his entire life."
"Where's George Bush's clock?" asked the man.
"Bush's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."
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He states that people are eager to hear the truth because they have been lied to for so long. It makes sense in other areas besides the environment; Democratic leaders and the media should get on the ball and challenge the lies hurled at us all the time.
What we can never figure out is when the government officials are telling the truth. Now it’s even worse since the Supremes made it nearly illegal for whistle blowers to protect us with their conscience.
Media talking heads just do not challenge the people they interview. The truth is a victim of Bush politics and the media is supposed to be protecting it instead of suborning it.
This week we have been pummeled with graphic evidence of how our armed forces were able to capture one al-Qaeda leader in Iraq. Dead or alive came true with dead being the operative word.
Collateral damage happens and others suffered when two bombs took out this dreaded killed guy, al-Zarqawi. Thereafter, truth changed from minute to minute.
He lived through the bombings and tried to get away. He was tortured by Americans. Americans game him first aid. We were given the facts of the autopsy and minute by minute poop on what an important kill this was.
Bush made a hasty visit to his conquered country, Iraq, to strut the strut and dribble the presidential “looking into his eye” to his Iraqi lackeys. He made it clear – “together forward!” [I am the man! You are the sheep.]
Just in case anyone didn’t get it, he followed that with a speech to his American lackeys. In all the pomp and circumstances of the past week only one thing was certain, TRUTH WAS STILL MISSING IN ACTION, PRESUMED DEAD.
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."
Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."
"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock.
The hands have moved twenty times, telling us that Abe told only twenty lies in his entire life."
"Where's George Bush's clock?" asked the man.
"Bush's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."
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Friday, June 09, 2006
There were those who feared the coming of June 6, 2006 as the day when the devil would come to reclaim Earth and all his prizes therein. All sorts of other fearsome things were forcasted on the basis of a verse in the Bible.
But as always, the devil thing was in the details. The main event, known as the apocalypse didn’t happen as scholars predicted from their study of Revelation 13:18: "This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six."
The beast, aka the Antichrist, is just another name for the red-dressed, long-tailed creature from Hell always out looking to steal our souls – the antithesis of God, the good guy who directs Bush in preemptive wars.
And as usually happens there were those events that fit right in with some people’s faith and other people’s supersticions. Commercial interests were quick to use the date to release movies like “The Omen” and other offerings were set forth to titulate believers and non-believers alike.
Unplanned but falling on the 6-6-6 date by law was a town election. The small Vermont town of Williston produced a drive-in voting choice for those who wished to remain in their cars. Some proclaimed it the work of the devil but most praised it to the high heavens.
The drive-through took place in the local fire house bay with plenty of room for the larger vehicles. Voters on foot were also accomodatedf at an adjacent area.
Town officials claimed that there was a significant increase in the number of voters coming to the polls – not devilish at all. And of interest to all who are troubled by our balloting process that leaves no paper trail, only paper ballots were used.
Could this possibly be an omen of things to come or just a devilish trick? Certainly it suggests possiblities for other voting precints around the country.
A little ingenuity, a bit of planning and a sincere desire to make the process fair for all will by itself increase the voter’s interest. How great it would be if people could vote over a weekend rather than just one day, for example.
The addition of drive through bays insure that there would be time for everyone to vote before the polls closed as well as attract more voters. Walk in voters would have separate entrance isles so more people could vote at the same time.
If other towns and cities adopted this plan and also used paper ballots, we just might get fair and honest elections in this country. And wouldn’t that just beat the devil?
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But as always, the devil thing was in the details. The main event, known as the apocalypse didn’t happen as scholars predicted from their study of Revelation 13:18: "This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six."
The beast, aka the Antichrist, is just another name for the red-dressed, long-tailed creature from Hell always out looking to steal our souls – the antithesis of God, the good guy who directs Bush in preemptive wars.
And as usually happens there were those events that fit right in with some people’s faith and other people’s supersticions. Commercial interests were quick to use the date to release movies like “The Omen” and other offerings were set forth to titulate believers and non-believers alike.
Unplanned but falling on the 6-6-6 date by law was a town election. The small Vermont town of Williston produced a drive-in voting choice for those who wished to remain in their cars. Some proclaimed it the work of the devil but most praised it to the high heavens.
The drive-through took place in the local fire house bay with plenty of room for the larger vehicles. Voters on foot were also accomodatedf at an adjacent area.
Town officials claimed that there was a significant increase in the number of voters coming to the polls – not devilish at all. And of interest to all who are troubled by our balloting process that leaves no paper trail, only paper ballots were used.
Could this possibly be an omen of things to come or just a devilish trick? Certainly it suggests possiblities for other voting precints around the country.
A little ingenuity, a bit of planning and a sincere desire to make the process fair for all will by itself increase the voter’s interest. How great it would be if people could vote over a weekend rather than just one day, for example.
The addition of drive through bays insure that there would be time for everyone to vote before the polls closed as well as attract more voters. Walk in voters would have separate entrance isles so more people could vote at the same time.
If other towns and cities adopted this plan and also used paper ballots, we just might get fair and honest elections in this country. And wouldn’t that just beat the devil?
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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Last weekend to celebrate the victims of our war, the movies of war held sway. They commemorated and glorified not only war itself, but the sacrifices and mutilations it produces.
Of course, being Memorial Day, the wars were American Wars in the years before we warred for conquest, for acquisition, or oil. Rather, we went to war to defend our country – well, most of the time.
Each movie had a common theme of one battle-worn soldier telling another that they would go back home and tell people how bad war was and that would put a stop to it for all time.
All those wars and all those soldiers coming home and still we continue to follow the practice of war. Why didn't their multiple warnings ever have any effect? Finally, we now know the answer to that question – induced and enforced patriotism.
The word is writ bold in our super informational age, illuminated by the many edicts of the Bush regime. “Thou must not criticize war or methods used [even if they are unconstitutional] else you will be called traitor to your country and all your supporters will suffer because they are deemed unpatriotic and antichristian.”
The current architect or front man is Att. General Alberto Gonzales aka our top cop. He promulgates the war according to Bush, by giving him powers beyond the Constitution. Powers that are safe from challenge both now and later with the backing of the now packed Supreme Court.
While Counsel to Bush in the White House, Gonzales, produced the agenda that made torture legal if Bush requested it. He was part of the cadre that determined it was OK to spy on U.S. citizens if Bush requested it.
He used the FBI as an enforcing arm for Bush, even to invading and seizing material from a Congressional office. Stealth signing statements allowed rendition, wire taps, search and seizure on Americans.
And always the legal defense proffered is 9/11 – Bush has continuous war powers because the war is continuous. Threats of reprisal and escalation of fear keeps the electorate meek and the media impotent.
Those who feel that war is a game of chicken to be played for ego’s sake prevail. No, this is not your mother’s America – perhaps it never was. The saying goes that well behaved women seldom make history. But if they ever wake up they can bloody well change it.
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